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ROS1 Project
A Guidea for ROS1 noetic/melodic package
CAN Device Set up
1. Install necessary packages.
2. Download, build, and install PCAN-USB driver for Linux: peak-linux-driver
Note: v8.18.0 tested.
3. Confirm installed driver.
Note: If you got an error like below
Please change your Secure boot :`Enable ->disabled` in your boot system
4. Install libpcan based on ROS distro.
ROS1 Project
1. Make your own Workspace.
2. Install necessary packages.
3. Clone or Download Allegro Hand V5 ROS package: allegro_hand_ros_v5
4. Install Bhand library.
5. Build.
6. Connect PEAK PCAN-USB and Allegro Hand(make sure to power on Allegro Hand)
7. Start the ROS nodes.
8. Use keyboard command to move Allegro Hand.
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